Thursday, January 1, 2009

My First Apartment!

Hard to believe that my first apartment out of college is in Jordan of all places! No one could have told me two years ago this would be the case.

So I finally moved out of the hotel yesterday afternoon after my morning class. Fortunately my lowly Arabic skills sufficed so I could navigate for the cab driver. Unfortunately, in less than 24 hours at the new place, John and I are already dealing with several issues:

1) The place is freezing! We have one space heater, but will probably have to buy a couple more.

2) Despite buying a modem, and 3 month cable subscription Tuesday afternoon, our internet connection is all jacked up. Dealing with customer service at Orange has been a nightmare.

3) The power went out last night, and has not come back on since. Hopefully it will come back soon, otherwise we'll have to make a call tomorrow (can't today because of national holiday).

New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful, appartently a number of the bigger parties in Amman were cancelled due to the situation in Gaza. John ended up going to some Jordanian family friend's party, while I opted to stay in. Once the power went out around 9:30pm, I decided to venture over to Abdoun Circle. Most of the clubs and lounges had expensive cover charges, ranging from 50 JD (~$75), to around 200 JD (~$300). Instead, I decided to head over to the Sheraton near my apartment. There I met a guy from Louisiana who works as a helicopter mechanic in Iraq. Closer to midnight, we walked to the nearby Bristol Hotel which was hosting a couple parties. I opted to not pay the expensive cover charge and instead headed home around 11:30pm. Pretty lame New Year, I know, but I have no regrets.

I'm currently hanging out at the swanky Blue Fig Cafe in Abdoun, quite a different scene than what I've experienced at cafes elsewhere in the city. The place is packed with very well-dressed young people. Notably, there are a number of mixed sex groups hanging out and socializing.

The idea of addresses, and street names for that matter, are completely new to Jordanians. Most streets in middle class parts of Amman were given names only about 4-5 years ago. Instead, most people have things delivered to P.O. Boxes. I've opted to distribute my school address for incoming mail/packages (address below).

Qasid Institute for Classical & Modern Standard Arabic
22 Queen Rania St., Suite 300
Amman 11196, Jordan

My e-mail:

That is all for now. More to come in the next couple days.


  1. Happy New Year and congrats on the new apartment! Hope you are able to work out all the kinks and enjoy your new home:-) NYE was mellow here too. How are your classes going?

  2. Happy New Year Geoff, congrats on getting your own place! I hope you get those problems worked out soon. My basement room is pretty cold too right now, so I feel you. I don't blame you for not blowing your money on a New Year's party you won't remember. I did the same thing as you and had a grand time.

    Your tennis racket is safe and sound, I'll take care of it, thanks for the blessing.

  3. 2009 resolutions...heater, fixing your orange connection and avoiding Jordanian cars. Glad to hear how everything's going. We miss you in the office!
