Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dibbin Forest and other things

I finally started my internship this afternoon. The scholar that I'll be supporting, Dr. Fares Braizat, is conducting research related to how public opinion impacts policy decisions made by Arab governments. Over the next few weeks I'll be doing some statistical analysis which supports one aspect of his research.

Oddly enough, I met another Miami grad in the library at Markuz Ad-Diraasaat As-Strategia (CSS, The Center for Strategic Studies). He graduated back in August 07 and has been working with one of the scholars since September.

This past Monday I went to a nature preserve called Dibbin Forest (about 45 minutes outside Amman) with a couple classmates and some other Qasid students. There were some cool views, but nothing super interesting. We hiked for a couple hours, had a little picnic, and I got into a couple political arguments with this German woman...that's about it. After getting back to Amman, Cody and I took a little tour of the Univ. of Jordan campus, where the CSS is housed.

Looks like I won't be getting my internet through Orange. The whole thing has dragged out for soo long now that my roommate and I have to decided to get our money back and we're gonna go with another service provider. Cross your fingers for us.


  1. Hey Geoff,
    I hope the Internet access stuff gets worked out for you soon, I know that's been a total pain!
    You know... you have to post some pictures some time soon or I will have to tell Mathias to take some when he goes over to visit. I can't wait to see some of the things you've been talking about!
    Miss you,

  2. I want more blog entries! This is so damn interesting Geoff and you are a good writer. Keep it up and I will keep reading.
