Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Power Hut

Since I've settled into my new place, I decided to join a local gym as an incentive to get back in shape. I toured several places in both Abdoun and Shmeisani, to include Total Fitness, Fitness First, and "The Power Hut". The first two places were ridiculously expensive, with membership costing between 175-200 JD/month, all good and fine for Abdoun's finest, but not me and my roommate. Ultimately, I settled on "The Power Hut" in Shmeisani, which is more or less comparable to a Gold's Gym back home, and is only a five minute cab ride from my place.

Things are going well at the new place. The heating hasn't really been an issue since the weather has been balmy over the last week or so. We also have a space heater which we use in the living room. Unfortunately we think the space heater may be the reason we've blown a couple fuses in our place over the last several days. This has required a couple trips to visit the "Haaris" of the building, Ali, who speaks no english. Luckily I was able to use my Arabic to communicate that we had lost power and he got it back on in minutes.

Living so close to the Abdoun Supermarket has proven to be quite a convenience. It doesn't have everything, but you can pick up most of the essentials there. In fact, prior to last week they didn't carry loaves of bread. After making friends with the Store Manager he has agreed to stock the shelves with a few loaves of bread every couple weeks, just for me and my roommate!

Classes are going pretty well. We have just moved on to the primary Level 1 text which is more dense in terms of the grammatical instruction.

All for now.


  1. Geoff, If you think one space heater will blow a fuse, imagine what two more will do!

    Glad to hear that your Arabic is sufficient to get a fuse replaced. Keep working on it!!

    Bread !!! Can I ship you some Wonderbread? May be a little stale on arrival, but it'll be there.

    Keep up the commentary.



  2. You've always had a way of making friends at the grocery store, bro!

  3. By the way - meant to tell you... I was talking to Mom the other day about my wedding and a possible option on Capitol Hill, and then I accidentally said, "but then there's also the wedding option in Jordan, I mean Georgetown." :) I don't suppose there's a Holy Trinity in Amman, right?
