Monday, January 12, 2009

Hazem and my Orthodox Christian baptism invite

So after three weeks, Jon and I are still without internet access. As such I'm getting to know the internet cafes around West Amman pretty well. At the cafe next to Qasid, I've made friends with a number of the employees. Today the Turkish bartender, Hazem, came over to my place with a whole ton of Turkish food that his sister prepared. Over our lunch, Hazem showed me all kinds of maps of Turkey and gave me a little background of the major historic sights in Istanbul. He has assured me that if I'd like to visit, his sister who lives in Istanbul would be more than willing to host me. I don't really have any plans to visit Turkey as of yet, but nice to know I'd have a place to stay.

After class yesterday, I went with my buddy Cody to check out his apartment. Cody lives in a district called Jebel Webideh, about a 15-20 minute walk to Downtown but the area has a neat small town feel. After taking a tour of the area, Cody's landlady, Alice, invited us in to her place for some chocolates and wine. As we were heading out, Alice invited Cody and I to the Orthodox Christian baptism of her friend's child next Friday. First, there will be a service at the church, which is a few blocks from Cody's place, followed by the baptism at the Dead Sea, and a big party. Should be a neat experience, and I'm obviously stoked to visit the Dead Sea!

The workload in class seems to be picking up each week. We've already had a couple quizzes, both of which I've aced! I've also been in contact with Dr. Fares Braizat at the Center for Strategic Studies, looks like I'll be starting my internship a week from today. Dr. Braizat's focus is in analysis of regional public opinion polls which gauge Arab perceptions of the West in the post-9/11 world. I'll be working effectively as his research assistant, beyond that I'm not sure exactly what my work will entail.


  1. Sounds like many of the people there are very hospitable with sharing food and their homes, which is great. I guess it's too cold to swim in the Dead Sea this time of year, but make sure to go back when you can because it's whacky and cool.

    I got the same Lonely Planet Jordan book that you have from a coworker and Anna and I are gonna put together a little game plan this weekend. Nice job on those aced quizzes, keep it up! Talk to you soon.

  2. Geoff,

    Going to an Orthodox Baptism at the Dead Sea is really exciting. Please take some pix and get them back to us.

    If you see Sodom and Gomorrah, leave promptly and don't look back!! Just ask Lot's wife what'll happen.

