Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Day in Jordan

So my first day went pretty well. I was a little sick and jet lagged today but otherwise can't really complain. Most of the day was spent touring the Shmeisani district of West Amman, where I'm currently living. The traffic in West Amman is absolutely crazy (think Grand Theft Auto with the cars screaming by, people darting in and out of traffic, and horns blaring, without any lanes).

The converted hotel I'm living in, called Shuqaq al-Nabhan, is a little bit better than what I expected. The internet access is somewhat spotty, but more perturbing is the low temp in my apartment. Apparently insulation is lacking in a number of Amman's apartment buildings. This is due to the fact that the majority of the citys apt buildings are constructed almost entirely of concrete.

Moment it hit me I was far from home:

Being woken up at 5:30am to the broadcasted muslim prayer emanating from the King Hussein Mosque.

That is all for now, I will follow with more tomorrow . I hope to get some pictures up soon.


  1. Sounds like a great first day! Does your apt have heat? Check out the Safeway yet??? I am so curious...

    Good luck at orientation tomorrow!

    Love you,

  2. The muslim prayer is just going to be your natural alarm clock now! And did you bring a blanket or something for the non-insulated apt??

    Holiday party was fun...weird vibe though. Jess and I won #1 gingerbread and Andrea and I won most creative door :) Would've been more fun with our communal office hubby there! lol.

    Make friends, eat more kabob and watch out for cars!!
