Saturday, December 20, 2008

Abdullah from Safeway

Friday was pretty exciting as I made my first Jordanian friend. Yesterday evening I decided to stop into the Safeway before heading back to my apartment. Upon entering the supermarket, I was immediately confronted by a Safeway security official (oddly enough they have security officials at entrances to most supermarkets, malls, and brandname stores) who told me I needed to re-enter through the metal detector (most of which are dysfunctional anyway).

Shortly before leaving the Safeway, I struck up a little conversation with the security official. Speaking in broken english, he told me that he's always wanted to visit America, but that his wife has been a little apprehensive. Jokingly, I told him I could convince his wife that America would be very welcoming to friendly Jordanians. Five minutes into our conversation, my new friend, Abdullah, decided to invite me to eat with him at the KFC next door to Safeway (only later did I find out that this man was OBSESSED with fried chicken).

Later that night, I met up with Abdullah at the KFC where he very graciously paid for my meal. Our conversation basically consisted of me teaching him english, and him teaching me arabic. We also discussed some American pop culture, to include his favorite actors, Antonio Banderas, Sylvester Stallone, and Jean Claude Van Damme. At the end of our meal. Abdullah proceeded to spark one cigaratte after another. All told, I think he smoked about five marlboro reds in the course of half an hour. Before we parted ways, Abdullah cordially offered to host me at his home in the next week, insha'allah (God Willing), as he wants to introduce me to his wife. I'm not sure yet if I'll take him up on his offer, but in any case it was nice having good conversation with a Jordanian.

This morning I had my Qasid orientation which went very well. Orientation was comprised of a brief program and academic overview, as well as a placement exam and interview. I'll leave the details for a posting tomorrow night.

Unfortunately the internet access in my building is virtually non-existent. I'm thinking I will probably be moving to a new apartment in the next couple weeks.

That is all for now. More to follow tomorrow.


  1. Ha! Safeway is like the gift that keeps on giving. First it's cold cuts...and now Jordanian friends;-) Amazing.

  2. Great to hear you have a local friend already. Key. I found my best learning experiences were with locals at the coffee shop.

    James and Meghan say hey and good luck. Sorry we missed you -- Merry Christmas and best of luck in 2009.

  3. I can't believe I am hearing about KFC again. Do you have any idea how popular it is in China? KFC is bigger there than McDonald's is in the US, and they made Colonel Sanders Asian. For me, the fried chicken was the same but the sandwiches were juicier and like small subs. What is KFC like in Jordan.

    Great news that you made a friend, he sounds pretty into you already. Also, good luck on the apartment hunt.

  4. Andre at Safeway is going to be very jealous of your new friend!
