Saturday, December 13, 2008

Not really sure what I'm doing...

So here's the deal--

First off, this is the first time I've set up a blog, so don't give me a hard time. Second, there are two reasons I've set up the blog:

1) To share with you my trials and tribulations in Jordan, otherwise known as J-Town, whatever the kids are calling it these days

2) So you can update me on what's going on in your life

That is all for now. Last night was my quasi-going away night out with my friends, so I'm pretty hungover. This means that I'm lacking big time in terms of wittiness and creativity right now.


  1. The blog looks awesome! Good luck getting over there and definitely do a blog post about your first day in Jordan. Safe travels Buddy!

  2. I second the notion! Blog looks great. I heard from mom that you made it there safe. Glad to hear:-) Good luck settling in over there. We miss you already.
